
Affordable Ann Arbor: What’s worked and what’s next?

Zachary Ackerman shares information about the Ann Arbor housing market and Prop C, a millage to support the construction of 1,500 new units of affordable housing.

Achieving carbon neutrality to fight the Climate Crisis

Zachary Ackerman comments on the A2Zero Carbon Neutrality Plan.

Creating housing supported by public transit

Zachary Ackerman introduces measures to build more housing near jobs and transit.

Transit Supported Development: What could be next for Ann Arbor?

A town hall presentation brought to you by City Council Member Zachary Ackerman and Planning Commissioner Lisa Sauve in April 2020.

Speaking out against hate and synagogue protests

Zachary Ackerman speaks out against the 16-year harassment of Beth Israel Congregation.

Supporting refugee resettlement

Zachary Ackerman speaks in support of building a welcoming community for refugees and immigrants.

Creating affordable housing downtown

Zachary Ackerman introduces zoning code reforms to incentivize more affordable housing in downtown Ann Arbor

The urgency of affordable housing

Zachary Ackerman supports the creation of 70 units of affordable housing and expresses the urgency of Ann Arbor’s housing crisis.

Zachary Ackerman shares thoughts after winning 3rd Ward primary

Zachary Ackerman comments on August 8, 2017 election results and what comes next.

3rd Ward Ann Arbor council candidates opening remarks

Zachary Ackerman shares an introduction in the League of Women Voters’ 2017 debate.

Ackerman and Kunselman discuss city’s plan for use of potential new tax revenue

In the League of Women Voters’ 2017 debate, Zachary Ackerman makes the case for funding Affordable Housing, Climate Action, and Pedestrian Safety.

Ackerman and Kunselman discuss whether Ann Arbor should lower taxes

Zachary Ackerman discusses local taxes in the League of Women Voters’ 2017 debate.

Ackermam and Kunselman discuss Ann Arbor Fire Department

Zachary Ackerman discusses fires safety services in the League of Women Voters’ 2017 debate.

Ackerman and Kunselman discuss representing a diverse Ward 3

Zachary Ackerman discusses diversity in the League of Women Voters’ 2017 debate.

Ackerman and Kunselman discuss county’s Platt Road development site

In the League of Women Voters’ 2017 debate, Zachary Ackerman discusses inspirational redevelopment of an old jail site into Michigan’s first net-zero neighborhood.

Ackerman and Kunselman discuss civilian oversight of Ann Arbor police

Zachary Ackerman discusses police oversight in the League of Women Voters’ 2017 debate.

3rd Ward Ann Arbor council candidates closing remarks

Zachary Ackerman makes closing remarks in the League of Women Voters’ 2017 debate.

Ann Arbor Democratic Party City Council Candidate Forum 2015: Stephen Kunselman and Zachary Ackerman

Zachary Ackerman participates in a candidate debate in 2015.

Who I am and what we can do for Ann Arbor

Zachary Ackerman’s first campaign video from 2015.